

France - Lille, August 30th, 2015


TICCIH and CILAC organize in France,

in Lille from 6th to 11th September 2015,

the XVIth World Congress TICCIH Lille Region 2015

dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of the Industrial Heritage


"Industrial Heritage in the Twenty-First Century. New challenges"


The Industrial Heritage raises many issues related to the cultural, tourist and economic development of territories. The XVIth World Congress TICCIH Lille Region 2015, with the sponsorship of the French Ministry of Culture and Communication, the town of Lille and the Region Nord-Pas de Calais proposes to take stock of the industrial heritage in the world and to open new perspectives on its actors, its achievements and its recognition.

In the beginning of XXIst Century, Industrial heritage, an integral part of our societies, entered a profound evolution. The Congress will show how this heritage responds, worldwide, to existing applications in sustainable development, urban restructuring and architectural design, local economy, culture and education. The citizen, its place and its role, will be at the heart of our thinking.                                       

Heritage endures and continues to speak to the generations that will follow us. What does the industrial heritage say today, in contemporary societies? What is its significance ? How can the industrial heritage guide their evolution?

More than 400 attendees, among which 250 speakers (scientists, researchers and practitioners) from 46 countries are expected on the Campus of the Université Lille 2 - Law and Health - to demonstrate their research and advances in the field and exchange ideas on issues relevant to industrial heritage in the Twenty-First Century.

240 communications on 25 themes in 5 days-Conference, will deal with themes addressing the following areas : history, industrial memory, architecture, working-class habitat, sustainable development, research and innovation in tools and teaching dedicated to industrial heritage in the digital age.

The restoration and the conversion of industrial buildings, urban regeneration, the heritage of active enterprises, the role of institutions, the transport networks (roads, canals, railways), the heritage of electricity, oral archives, landscapes, museums, and the new territories of art will also be key areas for discussion.


The Congress will commence with 5 plenary lectures to illustrate the major themes :

1. Industrial Heritage in the Twenty-First Century. New challenges défis – Florence HACHEZ-LEROY, Chairam, XVIth TICCIH Congress

2. Registration of the mining area of Nord Pas-de-Calais on the list of world heritage of humanity – Jean-François CARON, Mayor of Loos-en-Gohelle, Vice-Chairman of the mining basin, France

3. Museums and industrial heritage in the 21st century, what is at stake for the museums of tomorrow? – Anne-Catherine ROBERT- HAUGLUSTAINE, ICOM General Director

4. (Old) machines and man : the use of industrial heritage in post-colonial societies – Lucie K. MORISSET, Research Chair of the Canada urban heritage, Quebec University, Montréal, Canada

5. Digital technologies and heritage. A 30-year friendship. – Robert VERGNIEUX, ARCHÉOVISION, CNRS, France

CILAC, representing TICCIH in France and the organizer of the 16th World Congress wishes to advocate to an international community, the French success stories.  Region Nord-Pas de Calais  will be highlighted with a day dedicated to visiting the basin Minier du Nord-Pas de Calais, registered from 2012 on the list of world heritage sites of UNESCO.

Other visits will be organised for the 400 international delegates in the city of Roubaix, the European Metropolis of Lille, Communauté Urbaine de Dunkerque, Port of Calais presenting the best examples of conversion and rehabilitation.

Partners and sponsors who support TICCIH Lille Region 2015 : ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, Région Nord Pas-de-Calais, Communauté d’Universités et d’Établissements Lille Nord de France, Université de Lille, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences sociales (EHESS), CNRS, Ville de Lille, Métropole Européenne de Lille, Mission Bassin Minier, Ville de Roubaix, Conseil Départemental du Nord, Région Ile de France, Fondation Edf, ICOM, Institut universitaire de France (IUF), Université Rennes 2, Archives nationales du monde du travail.


About TICCIH : and CILAC

TICCIH (The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage) is the only international organisation of this magnitude in this area, recognized by UNESCO and ICOMOS. CILAC is the representative organisation for TICCIH in France.

CILAC (Information and Committee liaison for archaeology, the study and development of industrial heritage) is a non-profit association, founded in 1979. It was and remains the first French organization to assert the importance of recognition of industrial heritage.  Its mission is to promote the protection of industrial heritage. It publishes the only French review in this domain “Patrimoine industriel” the recent successor to “L’archéologie industrielle en France”.




Veronique Dupont : + 33 (0)6 14 46 61 11

Pauline Brunelot

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