› Le patrimoine industriel au XXIe siècle. Nouveaux défis - Florence HACHEZ-LEROY, Comue Lille Nord de France, CRH - EHESS/CNRS
10:30-11:00 (30min)
› L'inscription du bassin minier du Nord Pas-de-Calais sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l'humanité - Jean-François CARON, maire de Loos-en-Gohelle, vice-président de la Mission bassin minier
11:00-11:30 (30min)
› Musées et patrimoine industriel au XXI siècle, quels enjeux pour les musées de demain ? - Anne-Catherine ROBERT-HAUGLUSTAINE, Director General ICOM
11:30-12:00 (30min)
› Des (vieilles) machines et des hommes : de l'usage du patrimoine industriel dans les sociétés postcoloniales - Lucie K. MORISSET, Chaire de recherche du Canada en patrimoine urbain, Université du Québec à Montréal
12:00-12:30 (30min)
› Technologies numériques et patrimoine. Une amitié de 30 ans - Robert VERGNIEUX, ARCHEOVISION, CNRS
12:30-13:00 (30min)
S.2.A — Le patrimoine industriel à l’ère numérique
› 3D modélisation informatique et patrimoine industriel - Jean-Louis KEROUANTON, Université de Nantes, Florent LAROCHE, Ecole centrale de Nantes
14:30-14:50 (20min)
› De la vapeur au numérique - Joël DEBOUT, Université de Technologie de Compiègne
14:50-15:10 (20min)
› The SCHEMA-TEC project or the development of a method to schematically represent scientific, technical and watch heritage artefacts in operating condition - Christian DEGRIGNY Romain JEANNERET, Haute Ecole Arc Conservation-restauration, Neufchâtel - Guido Köhler, Zürcher Hochschule der Kunste, Zürich
15:10-15:30 (20min)
› Le patrimoine industriel en région bruxelloise, 25 ans d'actions - Guido VANDERHULST, BruxellesFabriques
14:30-14:50 (20min)
› Planning and management of industrial heritage as a community space -in the case of "Moji red brick Place" in Japan- - Takeshi ICHIHARA, Kyushu international university
14:50-15:10 (20min)
› Role of the main actors of the Urals metallurgical industry in the preservation of its heritage - Elena ALEKSEEVA, Institute of History and Archaeology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch
15:10-15:30 (20min)
› Citizens, associations and approaches to managing Britain's industrial heritage in the twenty-first century - Ian BAPTY, Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust
14:30-14:50 (20min)
› Le PREAC Mémoires du Travail - Alain CHOPIN, PREAC Mémoires du Travail
14:50-15:10 (20min)
› L'AMOI une association pour le patrimoine industriel de Creil - What part does a local association can play ? An example : l'AMOI - Thierry DUBLANGE, Association pour la mémoire ouvrière et industriel du Bassin-Creillois
15:10-15:30 (20min)
› Death of the Huber Breaker: Loss of an iconic Anthracite feature - Bode MORIN, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
14:30-14:50 (20min)
› La restauration des machines exceptionnelles de l'ancienne brasserie Wielemans-Ceuppens, un projet socio-culturel original primé par Europa Nostra - Joaquín DE SANTOS, BruxellesFabriques
14:50-15:10 (20min)
› Les formations à la conservation-restauration des collections d'objets techniques et industriels - Bénédicte ROLLAND-VILLEMOT, Institut national du patrimoine
15:10-15:30 (20min)
S.2.E — Réseaux de transport : routes et canaux ; chemins de fer
› Railway heritage, a case study for series - Marie-Noelle POLINO, Rails et histoire - the French railway historical society
14:30-14:50 (20min)
› La représentation photographique de la construction des chemins de fer au Portugal et la création d'un paysage technique et industriel - Ana CARDOSO DE MATOS, CIDEHUS - Universidade de Évora
14:50-15:10 (20min)
› A new building type characterized the landscape: lengthman's cottages along the Semmering railway in Austria - Roland Tusch, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences [Wien]
15:10-15:30 (20min)
› The Inventory of Industrial Heritage Resources in the USA - Leonor MEDEIROS, Michigan Technological University
14:30-14:50 (20min)
› Industrial heritage in Argentina. Analysis of the current situation - Mónica FERRARI, TICCIH Argentina - Instituto de Historia y Patrimonio. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán.
14:50-15:10 (20min)
› Le patrimoine industriel, témoin du système local d'innovation, outil de filiation : exemples en Aquitaine (France) - Laetitia MAISON-SOULARD, Service du Patrimoine et de l'Inventaire, Région Aquitaine, Bordeaux
15:10-15:30 (20min)
› Collaboration of governmental and non-governmental organizations in research and promotion of Lithuania industrial heritage - Iveta Dabašinskienė
14:30-14:50 (20min)
› La Région Île-de-France, nouvel acteur du patrimoine industriel - Nicolas PIERROT, Région Île-de-France
14:50-15:10 (20min)
› Enjeux de sauvegarde et de valorisation des Soieries Bonnet, fleuron du patrimoine de l'industrie textile (Jujurieux, Ain) - Nathalie FORON-DAUPHIN, Conseil général de l'Ain, Responsable de la mission départementale d'inventaire et de valorisation des Soieries Bonnet
15:20-15:30 (10min)
S.2.H — Le patrimoine industriel en Europe centrale et de l'Est
› Lost illusions: Socialist era heritage of heavy industries in Hungary - Györgyi NEMETH, Centre d'histoire des sciences et d'histoire des techniques Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
14:30-14:50 (20min)
› Industrial Heritage of Uranium Mining from the time of the German Democratic Republic (1946-1990) - Helmuth ALBRECHT, Institute for Industrial Archaeology, History of Science and Technology
14:50-15:10 (20min)
› Enforcement of a comprehensive conservation in regeneration processes of industrial heritage sites in Slovenia - Sonja IFKO, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of architecture
15:10-15:30 (20min)
› The reuse of industrial buildings and sites: potentialities and risks, challenges and boundaries - Nivaldo VIERA DE ANDRADE JUNIOR, Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA (BRAZIL)
14:30-14:50 (20min)
› Les stratégies de rehabilitation des halles métalliques au XXIè siècle. La question de l'authenticité et de l'artifice dans la sauvegarde des monuments urbains de l´âge idustriel. - Esteban CASTANER, Centre de Recherche Historique sur les Sociétés Méditerranéennes
14:50-15:10 (20min)
› Reusing and updating industrial heritage for contemporary needs and activities: a few examples of architectural intervention in Puebla, Mexico. - Jose-Ramon PEREZ, Universidad Iberomericana, Puebla
15:10-15:30 (20min)
S.3.A — Le patrimoine industriel à l’ère numérique
› Industrial World Heritage, our moment is now! Global and local contexts in industrial World Heritage and the future for TICCIH. - Leonor MEDEIROS, Michigan Technological University
16:15-16:35 (20min)
› 3D Representations of Heritage – understanding the Leavers lace machine through documents, ethnography and animation - Tom FISHER, Nottingham Trent University
16:35-16:55 (20min)
› Immersive Visualization and Industrial Heritage in Texas - Gabriela CAMPAGNOL, Department of Architecture Texas A&M University - Stephen CAFFEY, Department of Architecture Texas A&M University - Mark CLAYTON, Department of Architecture Texas A&M University - Geoffrey BOOTH, Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, Texas A&M University
16:55-17:15 (20min)
› La manufacture de tabac de Morlaix - Michel CABARET, Espace des sciences, Rennes
16:15-16:35 (20min)
› Potentials of Industrial and Technical Culture Heritage in Croatia – Promoters and Regeneration Projects - Zrinka BARISIC MARENIC, Dr.sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić, docent
16:35-16:55 (20min)
› Industrial heritage in Flanders (Belgium): public perception and participation rates. - Joeri JANUARIUS, Center of Expertise for Technical, Scientific and Industrial Heritage
16:55-17:15 (20min)
› Around the industrial World Heritage Zollverein XII : The Ruhr Region as Industrial Cultural Landscape - Axel FOEHL, Rheinisches Amt für Denkmalpflege
17:15-17:35 (20min)
› The contribution of Associations to the field of industrial archaeology. Can they compensate for lack of means and concern at institutional level? - Irina IAMANDESCU, Romanian Association for Industrial Archaeology,
16:15-16:35 (20min)
› L'Institut pour l'histoire de l'aluminium, une association au cœur de l'histoire d'un matériau - Thierry RENAUX, Centre Alexandre Koyré (CNRS/EHESS/MNHN) - Jenny PIQUET, Institut pour l'histoire de l'aluminium
16:35-16:55 (20min)
› The widespread development of industrial heritage of the Monferrato Casalese: the cement landscape - Maria CONSOLATA BUZZI, Associazione Il Cemento
17:15-17:25 (10min)
› Les édifices industriels dans le champ des monuments historiques : une protection particulièrement fragile - Bastien COUTURIER, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Lyon
16:15-16:35 (20min)
› New Lights on the Broken Old Kaoping River Iron Bridge – the creative strategies towards the preservation and conservation of the longest iron Bridge in East Asia built in the 1910s. - Chao-Ching FU, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
16:35-16:55 (20min)
› Experience through Design | Design through Experience. The Design Station Project for Izmir (Turkey), Mediterranean City of Art, Culture and Design - Sergio TADDONIO, Yasar University - Faculty of Architecture - Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design - Nagme EBRU AYDENIZ, Yasar University - Faculty of Architecture - Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
16:55-17:15 (20min)
› Santa Laura Saltpeter Facility. Atacama Desert, Chile Enhancement of a World Heritage site. Interpretation Center and the Iodine Museum. - Jaime MIGONE, TICCIH Chile
17:15-17:35 (20min)
S.3.E — Réseaux de transport : routes et canaux ; chemins de fer
› Le chemin de fer au Cameroun - Reine-Flora SAOUNDE, Centre d'histoire des sciences et d'histoire des techniques
16:15-16:35 (20min)
› Outline of Worship Railway at Shimane Prefecture in Japan and a Practical use and Expansion of the former Taisha Station - Ichiro TSUTSUMI, Foundation for Transport Studies and Publications
16:15-16:35 (20min)
› Workshops of the Companhia Paulista in Jundiai, SP: a railway heritage under threat. - Antonio SOUKEF JUNIOR, FIAM-FAAM Centro Universitário
16:35-16:55 (20min)
› Western Origins of Chinese Modern Industrial Buildings and Its Localization— Case study of Textile Mills in Yangtze Delta area, China - Yiping DONG, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
16:15-16:35 (20min)
› The factories of modernity in "Campania felix": Heritage Under Threat - Castanò FRANCESCA, Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile, Design, Edilizia e Ambiente - Seconda Università di Napoli
16:35-16:55 (20min)
› Le rôle déterminant des acteurs publics dans l'inscription du Bassin minier Nord-Pas de Calais au Patrimoine mondial - Catherine BERTRAM, Managing Director
16:15-16:35 (20min)
› La Région Languedoc-Roussillon et le patrimoine industriel : de la connaissance à la valorisation, les étapes d'une politique patrimoniale et culturelle - Lisa CALISTE, Service de l'Inventaire, Région Languedoc-Roussillon
16:55-17:15 (20min)
› Watercourses and Hydropower - New plan for Norwegian Industrial Heritage - Unn YILMAZ, The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate
17:15-17:35 (20min)
S.3.H — Le patrimoine industriel en Europe centrale et de l'Est
› Recent industrial heritage – values to be discovered - Jana HORICKA, Czech Technical University Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Dpt. of Architecture
16:35-16:55 (20min)
› Perception of socialist industrial heritage in transition society – case of Vojvodina - Anica TUFEGDZIC, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences
16:55-17:15 (20min)
› The Ditherington Flax Mill project, Shrewsbury UK; “Redeveloping the oldest iron-framed buildings in the world” - Geoff RICH, Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios
16:15-16:35 (20min)
› Les Magasins généraux de Pantin - Jean-Luc RIGAUD, EA 127
16:35-16:55 (20min)
› Zsolnay Cultural Quarter, Pécs, Hungary – Case study - Erzsébet URBAN, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
16:55-17:15 (20min)
› Meat Packing districts – industrial heritage as authenticity and fiction - Eva DAHLSTROM RITTSEL, County Administrative Board of Stockholm - Mari FERRING, Stockholm City Museum
17:15-17:35 (20min)