› Les « villes de compagnie » du Canada - Company towns in Canada - Lucie K. MORISSET, Universté du Québec à Montréal
09:00-09:20 (20min)
› Pour une arquèologie de la colonie industrielle. - Pablo LOPEZ CALLE, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
09:20-09:40 (20min)
› Industrial Heritage in Campinas, Brazil - an approach from the remains of three industrial structures. - Maria ANDREOTTI, Universidade Estadual de Campinas
09:40-10:00 (20min)
› The Living Document Of Our Civilisation: The Motor Vehicle - Natasa JERINA GROM, Svamz (FIVA)
09:00-09:20 (20min)
› A volatile network – Jean Prouvés gas-stations for TOTAL - Andreas BUSS, society of architectural historians, Lutz & Buss Architekten AG
09:20-09:40 (20min)
› « L'usine à vendre » : objet patrimonial difficile à cerner - Etude de cas à partir de l'histoire du groupe Carrefour - Jean-Marc VILLERMET, Sciences de l'homme, du politique et du territoire (Grenoble)
09:00-09:20 (20min)
› Old hydroelectric power stations: a case of living industrial heritage in São Paulo, Brazil - Gildo SANTOS, Universidade de São Paulo
09:20-09:40 (20min)
› Industrial Heritage of Aluminium in Cameroon - Guy Grégoire AWANO ZINGA, Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
09:40-10:00 (20min)
› The role of volunteers in the protection and preservation of industrial heritage in Belgium: the Rupel case - Bruno DE CORTE, Booms Steenbakkerijmuseum 't Geleeg/ Brickworks Museum Boom - 't Geleeg
09:00-09:20 (20min)
› Healing wounds, constructing future: At the heart of the Industrial colony. Citizen participation in management, promotion and dissemination of Industrial Heritage: Ancient Brass Factory in Spain. - Marta VERA, Asociación Amigos de las Reales Fábricas de Riópar
09:15-09:40 (25min)
› RECLAIMING DETROIT: Community-led Regeneration after Motor City - Miriam KELLY, Beyer Blinder Belle Architects & Planners LLP
09:40-10:00 (20min)
› L'action renouvelée de PIWB en faveur de la sauvegarde du patrimoine industriel en Wallonie et à Bruxelles (B), et particulièrement de l'industrie lourde du 20e siècle - Jean-Louis DELAET, PIWB
09:00-09:20 (20min)
› Raisonnons Réseau ! - Michel TAECKENS, Proscitec
09:20-09:40 (20min)
› Les Associations en danger ? - Assumpcio FELIU TORRAS, Asuncion Feliu Torras
09:40-10:00 (20min)
S.4.F — Réseaux de transport : routes et canaux ; chemins de fer
› Alishan Railway at the turning point - Nai-Yi HSU, Railway Cultural Society, Taiwan
09:00-09:20 (20min)
› Convergences of the railway's historical process and management of railway heritage (Brazil and Argentina) - Eduardo ROMERO DE OLIVEIRA, TICCIH International - Mónica FERRARI, TICCIH Argentina
09:20-09:40 (20min)
› Transportation landscapes: an approach to the archaeology of Spanish roads, 1748/1967 - Rita RUIZ, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
09:40-10:00 (20min)
› Structuring Industrial Heritage in the Context of Landscape: The Nantong Cotton Region 1895 – 1926 - Yaohui SHAO, School of Architecture Engineering, Nantong University
09:20-09:40 (20min)
› Post-colonial and transnational. Industrial heritage at the cross-roads - Jan AF GEIJERSTAM, Industrial heritage association of Sweden/TICCIH Sweden
09:40-10:00 (20min)
› Reuse of Rosario´s built industrial heritage. A choice and a chance for sustainable conservation. - Carolina RAINERO, Facultad de Arquitectura, Planeamiento y Diseño. Universidad Nacional de Rosario.
10:00-10:20 (20min)
› Patrimoine contaminé, les processus divergents de patrimonialisation du nucléaire civil en France - Yves BOUVIER, université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV)
09:00-09:20 (20min)
› Le Grand Paris électrique peut-il se développer sans mémoire industrielle ? - Alain BELTRAN, CNRS
09:20-09:40 (20min)
› Les musées européens de l'électricité : à petits pas vers le réseau ? - Claude WELTY, Fondation EDF - Catherine Fuchs, Musée Electropolis
09:40-10:00 (20min)
› Docks in Prague (Holešovice) – Winter harbour in Bratislava : construction development of warehouses in two largest towns of interwar Czechoslovakia. - Katarina HABERLANDOVA, Institute of Constrution and Architecture Slovak Academy of Sciences - Nina BARTOSOVA, Institute of Constrution and Architecture Slovak Academy of Sciences, Faculty of Architecture STU in Bratislava
09:20-09:40 (20min)
› Adaptive re-use of industrial buildings for tourism purposes: Carob warehouses in Northern Cyprus - Beser OKTAY VEHBI, Eastern Mediterranean University - Hulya YUCEER, Adana Science and Technology University
09:40-10:00 (20min)
› Preserving historical urban warehouses in Brussels by understanding their architectural and construction history - Inge Bertels, Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Architectural Engineering lab (VUB - ae-lab)
10:00-10:20 (20min)
› What to do with Waterside White Elephants? Management Approaches for Historic Urban Dry Docks and Shipyards - Jeffrey L. BEARD, College of Engineering, Drexel University
10:20-10:30 (10min)
› The Birth of Corporate Identity – Industrial Promotion Styles at the World Exhibitions - Franziska Bollerey, University of Technology Delft/Holland
11:00-11:20 (20min)
› Presentation, Re-presentation, Transformation: Public Art as a Medium of Transmission for Mining Heritage - Anne THOMAS-CUMMING, University of Dundee
11:20-11:40 (20min)
› Abandoned in Place: A Quantitative and Qualitative Photographic Approach to Documenting and Interpreting the Industrial and Technological Remnants of the United States' Space Programs - Roland MILLER, College of Lake County
11:40-12:00 (20min)
› Du nouveau sous le Soleil. Le patrimoine de l'Énergie solaire et ses nouveaux enjeux culturels - Sophie PEHLIVANIAN, Université Savoie Mont Blanc/LLSETI, Silvi CESARE (GSES)
11:00-11:20 (20min)
› Patrimoine hydroélectrique transfrontalier dans les Alpes, un État des lieux pour une nouvelle perspective - Anne CAYOL-GERIN, Conseil général d'Isère - Anne DALMASSO, LARHRA
11:20-11:40 (20min)
› Global Electropolis: The German Contribution to the Electrification of Metropolitan Chile, Valparaíso and Santiago, 1880-1925 - Marion STEINER, Bauhaus Universität Weimar and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
11:40-12:00 (20min)